Friday, April 17, 2020

How to Find Argumentative Essay Sample High School Students

How to Find Argumentative Essay Sample High School StudentsIf you are preparing a persuasive essay for your own high school writing project, an argumentative essay sample can be very helpful. However, if you have no idea where to find one, this article will outline the process of how to go about finding one.First, you need to pick a resource. Of course, it is not easy to do that since there are so many resources out there. In order to narrow down your choices, you need to consider the types of arguments you want to include in your essay.Argumentative essays for persuasive essays are based on two main ideas. The first idea is based on a principle that says humans only have one life to live. So, even if something bad happens, the bad thing can be overcome by the good and they go on to live a better life. The second idea is that people can be driven by both external factors like a crisis or a disaster, and by internal factors such as their desires and strengths.If you are writing a pers uasive essay for high school students, you should incorporate both ideas. You can choose to focus on these two things or you can write the entire essay based on one idea. Either way, you should give emphasis to the idea that human beings are born with one life to live.The first idea that you need to include in your essay is a brief introductory paragraph that states the idea. Once you give emphasis to the idea, you can start by focusing on explaining the premise. Briefly state the hypothesis. After that, you can explain how the premise can be proven.The best way to do this is to prove a statement using examples from everyday life and people's experiences. For example, you can mention examples of teenagers who are in trouble for theft, vandalism, or drugs. Once you have mentioned the examples, you can introduce a brief vignette. This is an anecdote that demonstrates how the premise can be proven. You can use this vignette as a proof that the premise is true.Establishing the premise i s not enough. You also need to know why the premise is true. There are many ways to do this, but in my opinion, you can do it by quoting from famous writers, such as Winston Churchill or George Orwell.You should also explain what the conclusion will be in your essay. You should include a conclusion in the conclusion section of your essay. Once you finish the conclusion, you should also explain what you will say in the body of your essay.

War of 1812 Pointless Essay Example For Students

War of 1812 Pointless? Essay The War of 1812 proved to be the most serious challenge to face the United States since the countrys birth. This Second war of Independence perhaps changed American history as we know it though. This essay will discuss the causes for this war assessing whether there actually were valid reasons for the United States and Britain going to war or whether the whole 1812 war was just born out of pointless aggression The war of 1812 was a very unnecessary war. It broke out just as one of its chief causes (The Orders in Council) was removed and its greatest battle (New Orleans) was fought just after peace was signed. The war was unnecessary from a British point of view but for the Americans it was inescapable. The Royal Navy had kidnapped 3,800 American sailors and pressed them into service. The Orders In Council had deprived the United States of a profitable trade with France and can be seen as having ruthlessly subordinated American economic interests to the political interests of the British Empire. We will write a custom essay on War of 1812 Pointless? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now American farmers also blamed the orders, perhaps unfairly, for a fall in agricultural prices that produced a depression in the West in the years immediately before the war. On the frontier it was universally believed that Indian restlessness war stirred up by British agents although really American oppression has to be seen as a big cause of this too. Americas war with Britain seemed inevitable although the Americans did everything they decently could to avoid it, although there seemed to be endless provocation by Britain, for example in 1807 when a British frigate, the leopard opened fire on an American frigate the Chesapeake. The choice before America, Jefferson the former president and his successor Madison agreed was war or submission to fight or to undo one of the main achievements of the revolution and accept total defeat in international affairs to England. As John Quincy Adams put it It was not a matter of dollars and cents, no alternative was left but war or the abandonment of our right as an independent nation The offences committed against the United States were the major provocations for the war, reasons other then vindication can be regarded as rationalisation. There was an obvious anger for what British had done to America and many Americans merely wanted revenge but the war was fought for much more then that. The radical expansionism and the belief that Canada would inevitably be annexed to the United States also has to be a major cause for America going to war. Another primary cause of the war was the rise of Tecumseh the Indian chief who was believed to be backed by the British. This caused an urgency for the Americans to expel the British from Canada. The War Hawks, the congress at the time of Madisons presidency, were pushing for the invasion of Canada and an attack upon the Savages who had been tormenting homes on the frontier. Madison never really expected or desired the annexation of Canada and neither did his colleague Monroe (Secretary of State) A compromise with Britain would have been very difficult due to the increasing sectionalism in America. It might have been true as George Washington had said in his farewell address that East, West, North and South had more in common then points of difference but since the long Napoleonic wars which had been fought and there repercussions for America the differences seemed to mount rapidly. New England had virtually everything in common with British Maritime interests but the further South and West you travelled the more opinion leaders you found who wanted a war with Britain as the road to expansion. It was these Southern and Western states that formed part of Madisons constituency and had elected him in 1808 and when he was elected again in 1812, therefore Madison was very dependent on these states much more so than the Northern New England states. The opinions of these Southern and Western states reflected the ideas of Henry Clay, the leader of the War hawks, who himself was from Kentucky a Western state. The war hawks desire for land, Canadian or Indian, fear of a British backed Indian conspiracy, concern over the declining prices of agriculture products and the restrictions of markets abroad have all believed to have been basic cause of the war. .ue8abac12bc6849e9fac2ba9c81c57bb5 , .ue8abac12bc6849e9fac2ba9c81c57bb5 .postImageUrl , .ue8abac12bc6849e9fac2ba9c81c57bb5 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue8abac12bc6849e9fac2ba9c81c57bb5 , .ue8abac12bc6849e9fac2ba9c81c57bb5:hover , .ue8abac12bc6849e9fac2ba9c81c57bb5:visited , .ue8abac12bc6849e9fac2ba9c81c57bb5:active { border:0!important; } .ue8abac12bc6849e9fac2ba9c81c57bb5 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue8abac12bc6849e9fac2ba9c81c57bb5 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue8abac12bc6849e9fac2ba9c81c57bb5:active , .ue8abac12bc6849e9fac2ba9c81c57bb5:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue8abac12bc6849e9fac2ba9c81c57bb5 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue8abac12bc6849e9fac2ba9c81c57bb5 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue8abac12bc6849e9fac2ba9c81c57bb5 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue8abac12bc6849e9fac2ba9c81c57bb5 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue8abac12bc6849e9fac2ba9c81c57bb5:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue8abac12bc6849e9fac2ba9c81c57bb5 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue8abac12bc6849e9fac2ba9c81c57bb5 .ue8abac12bc6849e9fac2ba9c81c57bb5-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue8abac12bc6849e9fac2ba9c81c57bb5:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: -The Lotos-Eaters By Tennyson Essay When asked about his reasoning for the push for war, Henry Clay would answer What are we to gain by peace ? His rationalisations had to do with a mentality that they would lose their countrys character, commerce and nations best treasure if they didnt go to war. He believed that what they had to gain was reduced revenue to nearly ten million dollars. Clay could also not ignore the impressment of American sailors by British fleets, this was another driving force. Henry Clay assumed a leading role in the war against Britain. He then affected President Madisons decision about the war and more or less pushed madison from being indifferent to declaring war. Clay saw the British as an intrusive and unwanted force that was trampling on the feet and violating the rights of his countrymen. The Treaty Of Ghent which was signed in December 1814 ended a war which by now both sides were silently admitting should never have started. The treaty though proved to be a great act of statesmanship. After the signing Adams remarked to one of the English delegates I hope this will be the last treaty of peace between Great Britain and the United States And it was. The very fact that both sides withdrew to their prewar positions, that neither could describe the war as a success or a defeat, and that the terms could not be presented, then or later, as a triumph or a robbery all worked for permanency and helped to erase from the national memory of both countries a struggle which had been bitter enough at the time. The absence of any recrimination too meant that the treaty could serve as a basis on which to build a friendly, common sense relationship between two English speaking peoples. The statement that the war of 1812 was born purely out of a Pointless aggression is true to an extent. In the build up to the1812 war Britain seemed to provoke the United States through every means possible exploiting there own position. The United States did try to avoid a war with Britain but they saw how a war could fulfil there own ambitions and so used the war to pursue there own objectives which were increasing the size of the United States whilst reinforcing the economy through trade. The fact was though that neither side managed to achieve there pre-war ambitions and when the Treaty of Ghent was signed all actual issues of the war were dropped and both sides agreed to just stop fighting. The war of 1812 had such a great effect on the United States that it is sometimes referred to as The Second War Of Independence. This did not refer to Great Britain attempting to gain control of the United States, instead, it marked the end of the United States dependence on Europe. Great Britain fully accepted American independence. 1815 was marked as a turning point. Before, American foreign relations were conditioned by the shifting power structure and the almost continuous wars in Europe. After the year 1815, the United States could choose war or peace according to its interests.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Macbeth Guilt Essays - Characters In Macbeth, English-language Films

Macbeth Guilt This was an oral presentation, in which I prosecuted Macbeth. I received a grade of A-, however was told that it was my actual presentation rather than my essay that stopped me getting a higher grade :) Ladies and Gentlemen, I will be brief. You have heard the testimonies and seen the evidence; it is now time for the fate of Macbeth to be decided. Today you have met scores of witnesses testify, under oath, the defendant's entirely good and honest character, and have pondered as to how the King of Scotland could commit such atrocities. However, unmistakable evidence opposes such testimonies and proves beyond reasonable doubt that the defendant Macbeth killed his King, Duncan the II of Scotland, his life-long friend Banquo and Lady Macduff and her children. Over the last six months we have seen Macbeth degrade from a fearless and heroic warrior to a murderer, a conscious villain who felt extreme guilt after killing his King out of pure greed and ambition. His servant, as testified, overheard Macbeth express his guilt to his wife on the night of the murder: "I am afraid to think what I have done; Look on ?t again I dare not." Following his crowning at Scone, King Macbeth hired three assassins to murder his long-time friend Banquo, in order to protect his crown. It was after the murder of Banquo that Macbeth then turned into an unmerciful, non-repentant tyrant. This man, once heralded a hero, became the bane of Scotland and his people. The defense has tried to manipulate facts to persuade you that Macbeth is not to blame for these murders and has placed responsibility for these deaths on everyone from Lady Macbeth to the witches, who occasionally conversed with the accused. You have heard testimonies of the three witches, who told us of their encounters with Macbeth. What sort of man would associate with such evil beings, and most of all, believe the nonsense they foresee? The witches did not directly influence Macbeth to assassinate his King, they only speculated as to what the future may hold and these predictions ignited his overwhelming ambition to become King. These associations with the witches bring serious doubts to the goodness of the defendant's character. Speculations that Lady Macbeth is responsible for Duncan's murder have been made by the defense. But blood found on this cloak hidden in Macbeth's quarters proves without doubt that it was Macbeth who actually committed the murder. He is ultimately to blame. The accusations made by Macbeth's lawyers that Lady Macbeth pressured her husband to assassinate Duncan are irrelevant. It is unthinkable that such a brave and valiant soldier could be so weak as to be influenced by his wife to commit murder, unless he had already considered doing it, or had something to gain from the death of Duncan, such as the throne of Scotland. The defense has tried to convince you that Macbeth was insane at the time of King Duncan's murder. If he were not sane, would he have been seen as such a well-loved and courageous soldier? Would he have been so respected by his King to be honoured with the title of Thane of Cawdor, had he been ill at mind? These notions themselves are insane! Macbeth was sane and rational at the time of the murder! ...Yes, Macbeth did show signs of derangement a week after the murder at the banquet, as testified by Ross, who attended the feast and described to you the accused's strange behaviour. Could an innocent man be driven mad over a period of a week? It was his conscience, my friends, which drove him insane! After the pre-meditated murders of Duncan and Banquo, the pressures of being King, and the mounting guilt of the murders he had committed, were increasing. Overheard by his servant, Macbeth said to his wife "I am in blood, Stepp'd in so far..." The outlet for his rage was Lady Macduff and her family. This pointless, and motiveless, massacre shows the cruelty and immorality that has become a part of Macbeth. He did not stand to gain anything from the deaths of these innocent people. No longer was he the honoured soldier, or the compassionate King, but the brutal tyrant. We must stop making excuses for this cold-hearted man. He was not influenced by his wife or witchcraft. He was sane when he brutally murdered his King. He was influenced only by his ambition and greed to become King; he was influenced by his selfishness and hunger for power.